Innovation of an online store led to significant cost reduction not only during the Christmas period

requests over every Christmas
winner of the ShopRoku award
until the first launch
Availability during Christmas
A tailor-made solution for the leading toy store on the Czech market
More than ten years ago, Famico, the company that runs , contacted us with a request to create a online store. It was supposed to take all the data from the existing system and build on an interface that would meet modern automation requirements. Nowadays, customers have increasingly higher expectations, which the online store must have reflected perfectly.
The new sales channel solution also had to flawlessly communicate with a new warehouse management system (WMS). This was particularly relevant at the time the client contacted us – just before the main shopping season of the year – Christmas. The WMS had to handle the influx of orders and keep perfect track of each one.
There wasn't much time to create new systems – so any additional expectations had to be communicated as soon as possible, and we had to start working on them immediately.
Translating the idea into the digital world
During the three months of our work, we focused mainly on creating a completely new core of the shopping platform, developing a unique categorization system, and digitalizing the WMS. The shopping core controls individual autonomous modules, such as:
- a CRM module for sales support,
- 3 different front ends (e-shops),
- a logistics management tool,
- a feed management module,
- a monitoring system for the entire platform.
These were the specific technologies we used:
- programming languages: JavaScript, PHP, Python, C#,
- frameworks: React.js, Symfony, .NET,
- databases: MariaDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, PostgreSQL,
- other technologies: RabbitMQ.
Launch within 3 months and achieving significant savings
We launched the first version of the online store within three months. Thanks to the new categorization system, he client saved costs significantly. The categories are filled dynamically based on their properties - so there is no need for manual intervention.
This freed up the client's capacity for other activities, such as expanding the product range and optimizing the customer journey for popular items.
We took the online store under our management and continuously expanded it to reflect increasing customer expectations and the client's business requirements.
Since then, the store has maintained 100% uptime during every Christmas – it has never experienced any technical problems, thus it has always provided a smooth customer experience for purchasing Christmas gifts was awarded ShopRoku by Heureka Group every year from 2010 to 2015. The online store also managed to get to the top of the competition in 2016 and 2020.
Let's create something amazing
You will be surprised what we can create together.