Company Culture à la It's About the People
When Honza Kaštura founded INVENTI in 2011, he brought his life philosophy "it's about the people". We are a company about people and for people which is proven by all our meetings, events and management style. We've always been on first name terms, don't have a dress code, treat each other openly, build the company based on feedback, can work remotely and our offices are dog-friendly. All of this helps us not only to do a great job, but also have fun doing it.
You'll recognize Inventors by the fact that they drink beer, like steak tartare, and get together in one of the INVENTI's kitchens for an after party. At least that's what an internal survey in 2018 revealed about us.
We also think about our customers, to whom we are not shy to offer a taste of the world's hottest chilli peppers or – in a better scenario – regularly invite them to the theatre.
We pride ourselves on treating each other like partners, working like pros and always asking “why” so that we never fall behind and keep improving things around us. Proof that we can be ourselves at INVENTI is us signing the 2019 Diversity Charter, a commitment by leading employers to develop a universally tolerant workplace.