How INVENTI Expanded Abroad

I would like to write an article about how our comprehensive and ingenious strategy, combined with a huge and fearless investment, has led us to European customers and projects. But it was all much simpler than that and it just reaffirms that our philosophy and values are the right driver and path for us.
Our journey to international clients has been a gradual one. In the first phase, INVENTI relied on domestic projects. However, their size, complexity and importance gradually increased and our expertise grew with them. In short, one grows as one gets bigger and bigger opportunities, is not afraid to embrace them, and always makes sure to perform at the highest level of quality.
First entry into the German market
Although we had to admit that this move was not very successful, it did not mean that we had lost our appetite to take INVENTI to the next level. Our tenacity, perseverance and determination soon brought us back to our German clients. And not only to them. INVENTI now carries out projects for clients in various European countries. How did we do it after all?
We ended up reaching foreign clients by doing what has adorned INVENTI since the beginning. Hard work, high quality delivery and good relationships with our satisfied clients in the Czech Republic. The satisfaction of the people in the Czech office and the stories of our joint successes spread within the multinational organization, and we are increasingly working for clients not only on projects in the Czech Republic, but also in Germany, France, the UK and Switzerland.
Never give up
Přestože jsme museli uznat, že tento krok se nám příliš nepovedl, neznamenalo to, že jsme ztratili chuť pozvednout INVENTI na novou úroveň. Naše houževnatost, vytrvalost a odhodlání nás brzy k německým klientům vrátila. A nejen k nim. INVENTI nyní realizuje projekty klientů z různých zemí Evropy. Jak jsme to přece jen dokázali?
K zahraničním klientům jsme se nakonec dostali tím, co INVENTI zdobí od počátku. Tvrdou prací, vysokou kvalitou dodávek a skrze dobré vztahy s našimi spokojenými klienty v Čechách. Spokojenost lidí z české pobočky a příběhy našich společných úspěšných projektů se šíří uvnitř nadnárodní organizace, a tak čím dál častěji pracujeme pro klienty nejen na projektech v Česku, ale také v Německu, Francii, Velké Británii či Švýcarsku.
What's more? Czech Republic or Europe?
In 2020, we crossed a major milestone. For the first time in our history, our turnover consisted largely of foreign projects rather than domestic ones. But we are still at home here. We are proud to represent our country and our values abroad. We believe in the quality and talent of our people, we are committed to honesty and we build strong and long-term relationships with our partners and clients. After all, we know that "It's about the people" and once again we have proved it.